A few months ago we launched Mod. We were lucky enough to have the launch covered by many well known news outlets and blogs.
People often think that being featured on a big site will make or break their startup. In reality that’s far from the truth.
For our launch we tracked everything. Some outlets surprised us because they drove way more than we were expecting, some drove way less. Some drove a lot of traffic but no sales and some did the opposite. All the data we collected is below.
EDITORS NOTE: Mod was sold years ago and has since been shut down.
The Data

Keep in mind this data is only direct response sales. There will still be a longtail of word of mouth. That said, there’s a few interesting things to note here…
We’re our own biggest referrer
This speaks to the value of building an audience by trying to put out good content that helps people.
CSS galleries can drive a lot of traffic
…but that traffic doesn’t convert. SiteInspire was one of our biggest referrers but the traffic they sent us barely converted at all.
Product Hunt is big
It’s bigger than a lot of established news outlets like TheNextWeb and LaughingSquid. This is also data from almost 4 months ago and it has clearly grown a lot since then.
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